It’s a New Year — time to reevaluate, improve and refine our daily habits and actions for success. Small, incremental changes can reap big rewards in terms of productivity and business opportunities. As a planner myself I understand the significance of establishing goals to create new outcomes. If we can break those down into smaller more manageable components we can achieve results more quickly.
Here are some things to consider as you plan for another year:
• If you don’t like things in your life you have the power to change them by simply changing yourself — things don’t change, but you can! Any little modification can make a difference – an introduction of something new, an exercise routine, a daily reading schedule, journaling, or simply bonding with your family.
• How you present yourself to the world makes a difference, how you look, how you speak, how you interact with others, who you interact with, what you read, what you spend your time doing. What is your message to the world? I am here, ready to take on a new challenge and I want to change the world in a positive way… it is your choice.
• I have always been incredibly optimistic but now as I grow and learn to navigate this game called life, I have come to embrace this gift that I have been blessed with every day. How do I do that? I start my day with a prayer of gratitude naming the things that I am grateful for – my family, my warm cozy home, my friends, a hot cup of tea, a great book, quiet time to think, process or write, my warm SJREI business community.
By appreciating these things, and so many other seemingly trivial things I am happier, more content and I realise that what I appreciate grows more secure, and becomes more defined in my life.
Try it — I think you will like it too.
• There are people who drag us down — nay sayers if you will. Remove those people from your life. If they are your family members, show them a new way to be by mirroring for them your great new attitude. My Dad shared with me (he ran a company, and had a family of six daughters, two sons and a wife!) that sometimes he survived by “psychologically absenting himself” from negative situations.
How do you do that? Tune them out, capitulate, get away from situations, people and attitudes that don’t propel you forward. Remember to be gentle as you work on this and have patience with yourself, this is a process it does not happen over-night.
• Lastly, live in the moment – whatever you are doing give it 100% of your attention. Walking the dog, having tea with a friend, working, talking to your children – be present, enjoy that moment. Your family and friends will love you for this level of attention — very few people can truly do this. Be wary of electronics they can be thieves of our time, and our spirit…the things that renew you are not material — they are love, companionship, friendship, family, community, giving back.
Be brave, do whatever it takes to accomplish new results — Make 2012 your best year yet!
Geraldine Barry is founder and president of SJREI Association the premier educational and networking association for real estate investors in the Bay area. Under Geraldine’s leadership SJREI has grown from a half-dozen investors to a vibrant three chapter organization with over 400 investors attending monthly meetings. In addition to leading SJREI, Geraldine is the frequent host of the radio program, Going Beyond Real Estate, a regular guest on the nationally broadcasted NTDTV, publisher of award winning publication REI Voice Magazine, and producer of the much acclaimed annual Bay Area Real Estate Expo. Geraldine resides in Silicon Valley, and is the proud mother of Colin and Claire, her two children.
Contact Geraldine Barry at: