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Interactive Webinar Just for Readers!
Webinar: Investing In Real Estate Using a Retirement Account
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Discover How to Leverage Your IRA Funds How can investors take advantage of the hot real estate market? Join us for this 60-minute webinar and listen to PENSCO Founder and Vice Chairman Tom Anderson, one of the nation’s leading authorities on real estate investments using retirement accounts. He’ll discuss how investors can maximize returns by investing in real estate with capital held in an IRA.
At this free, interactive webinar, you’ll learn the most effective ways to incorporate real estate assets into a retirement portfolio and still satisfy the rules for holding assets in tax-advantaged accounts. For more information about how to log in and participate, simply register now. You’ll receive an email confirmation with all the details. |
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PENSCO Trust Company performs the duties of an independent retirement custodian, and, as such, does not provide investment advice, sell investments or offer any tax or legal advice. Potential clients are advised to perform their own due diligence in choosing an attorney, tax advisor or any investment opportunity. Alternative investments are not FDIC insured and are subject to risk, including the loss of principal. This information is for general purposes only and is not intended as an individual recommendation or to be a substitute for specific individualized tax, legal or investment planning advice. |
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Ready to Make Things Happen? Mingle with Successful Industry Leaders
Are you ready to Make Things Happen? Mingle with Successful People & Industry Leaders.
Please join us for our complimentary Success Expo in West Los Angeles this Saturday, Oct. 5th at the Olympic Collection Banquet and Conference Center (11301 W. Olympic Blvd., LA, 90064).
This event is complimentary for our registered guests >
Be sure to stop by and mingle with our Top Companies and Leaders both locally and from around the nation. We have some very valuable information and industry news to share with you. All guests receive a complimentary tote bag, along with 3 Publications — each one designed to help you in your quest for financial freedom.
This event is special to our magazine because the as the publishers we have done many deals in Los Angeles County (a market value of $3 million in transactions thus far). We have worked on deals with some of the biggest local names in real estate, such as SWI Realty, The Bizzy Blondes and the Denise Freed Team. We have also owned property in Kern County, Santa Barbara County and four other states – Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana….
…but Los Angeles Real Estate is where it all started!!
As a licensed real estate agent for over 11 years, I know that real estate is a relationship-based business, and that is why we are hosting this event, so you can network with the key industry leaders that we do business with.
We know you will benefit from this day of networking, see you there!
Join us in the Imperial Ballroom
1. HomeVestors of America ( Gold Sponsor)
2. REI Expo ( Gold Sponsor)
3. Equity Trust
4. Financial Momentum
5. Robert Hall & Associates
6. REI Wealth Monthly (Our Online Magazine!)
7. Horizon Trust
8. Tweed Financial Services
9. IRA Services Trust
10. The Land Geek
11. Team NuVision
12. SoCal Cashflow Club
13. Terry Hale Publishing
14. MOR Financial/MOR Synergy
15. Sterling Investments
16. Investor’s Edge University
17. Black Belt Investors
18. First 100 Homes
19. Boesch Law Group
20. The Power of Grant Money
21. USA Property Investing
22. Wealth Accelerator System
23. San Fernando Valley Real Estate Club
24. Mega Master/Triumvirate Funding
25. Lady Landords of San Diego
Art By Grant will Capture Our Event
This event is complimentary for our registered guests
SUCCESS Expo Speaker Schedule
Please join us in the Century Ballroom
9 am Welcome/Introduce Speakers/Sponsors
9: 15 – 10:15 Meet Tim Herriage with HomeVestors & REI Expo (Dallas, TX)
10:15 am – 10:30 – Networking Break
10:30 am – 11:30 Save Taxes with Robert Hall & Associates (Glendale, CA)
11:30 – 1 pm – Learn about Stocks with our Exclusive Financial Educator Tyrone Jackson ( NYC & Malibu, CA )
NOON TO 1:30 pm Lunch Break for Exhibitors
1:15 am – 1:30 – Networking Break
1:30 – 1:45 Craig Faczan Introduces Our Exhibitors
1:45 to 3:15 Take Your Rehabs to a Whole New Level with Andrew Cordle – Financial Momentum (Chicago, IL)
3:30 am – 3:45 – Networking Break
3:45 – 4:15 Learn Commerical Real Estate Tips with Terry Hale (Malibu, CA)
4:15 am – 4:30 – Networking Break
4:15 to 4:45 Meet Your Local Leaders – A Q-n-A Session with
Sensei Gililand, Sean Morsi, Matt Theriault & Stacee Nelson
4:45 to 5:00 Closing Remarks – Thanks for Joining Us
{ Meet Us Downstairs @ Tapenade for a Private Patio After Party!* }
(this after party is a no-host mixer, thank you)
Event Info:
This event is complimentary for our registered guests >
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2013 – 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
The Olympic Collection Banquet & Conference Center
11301 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064
After Party in the Patio @ Tapenade Restaurant
located directly downstairs, no-host mixer
FREE Unlimited Funding Kit – CLAIM IT TODAY!!!
3 Different types of mortgage loans that home buyers may utilize
With changing economy, mortgage market is also changing rapidly. The changes have made it really difficult for most of the home buyers to get an affordable mortgage loan easily. The options are limited enough as the qualification criteria is going higher rapidly. However, there are still a few options available for home buyers to choose from.
3 Types mortgage loans that home buyers may look forward to
There are basically 3 types of mortgage loans that home buyers can look for. For better home financing home buyers may choose anyone from these 3 types. Here are the 3 different types, have a look:
1. The fixed interest mortgage
This is the most classic form of mortgage loan for the home buyers. As the name suggests, in this type of mortgage loan the interest rate on the loan will remain same for the whole life of the loan. The payment can be done easily through equal monthly installments. The amortization of the loan amount makes the payment easy for many. Here are some other features of the fixed interest mortgage:
- The interest rate and the principle balancing: Apart from being fixed the interest rates are generally front-loaded in this type of mortgage loan. Just because of this, during the first few years of the loan tenure, the borrower mostly pays interest. Less goes for the payment of actual loan amount.
- The loan terms: The two most common terms are 15-year and 30-year mortgage terms. However, shorter terms are also available there. The term depends largely on the requirement of the borrower. Even 40-year and 50-year mortgage terms are also available there for the areas where housing price is extremely high.
The price factor: Fixed rate mortgages are considered to be more costly than the adjustable rate mortgages. As the interest rate is fixed, it’s quite obvious that the price will go high.
2. Adjustable rate mortgage
Here are the essential facts that you need to know about adjustable rate mortgage or ARM:
- The interest rate: The interest rate of the adjustable-rate mortgage isn’t fixed at all. This keeps changing according to the market condition. The rates keep changing almost every year. It’s actually a bit difficult to cope up with the changes in interest rates.
- The time frame is short: The time frame of adjustable rate mortgage isn’t as long as the fixed interest mortgage. For hybrid ARMs there is no fixed time frame and it can be anywhere between 3 to 10 years.
3. The interest only loan:
This is also a famous form of mortgage loan that most borrowers find useful. The borrowers only have to pay the interest rate charged on the main balance for the initial years. There is no hard and fast rule for the payment of principal balance. The overall structure is more like the ARM.
The interest only loan is good for the home buyers who have the assurance of financial improvement in future. Young people who’ve just started earning can take out interest only loan to buy a house. The repayment depends largely on the interest payment made during the initial years of the loan term.
These are the 3 main types of mortgage loans that home buyers may select according to their specific needs. Of course, the borrowers must consider their financial standing to take out the most suitable mortgage loan. For more information you can follow us on Twitter
Linda's New Tweet….
— Linda Pliagas (@lindapliagas) September 20, 2013