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FREE Publicity Teleseminar – Learn How to Grow Your Business
Realty411 invites you to a Special Teleseminar tomorrow, meet Our SECRET WEAPON…
Our PR Specialist, Robert Smith
Get Your Share of The Millions of Dollars
In Free Publicity that The Media Gives Away
(FREE Teleseminar)
Teleseminar Date:
6:00 PM Tuesday, March 18, 2014 (Central Time)
Dial: 712-432-0800 and enter passcode 980948#
(No registration or email required. Just call in a few minutes ahead of time.)
Limited lines available.
Who is our Guest? None other than ROBERT SMIITH!
Robert Smith is a self made entrepreneur who has started over 7
successful companies.
He is a publicity expert who has gotten over $5 million
in free publicity on tv, radio, newspapers, and magazines.
He is hosting a free teleseminar to teach you his highly
guarded secrets that have landed clients on Dr. Phil, Lifetime
TV, Fortune Magazine, CNN, USA Today, and many others.
He will shares his failures as well as his secret keys to wealth.
You will learn:
* How to raise up to $500,000 using free publicity
Self esteem and millionaire mindset tips of billionaires
* Using the Hollywood PR model to dominate your market
* 10 ways to add up to $10,000 each month
* Why he turned Oprah down twice (Is he the craziest man in
* A Million dollar joint venture formula
* How to get on and rank highly on Google
* Secrets to getting free publicity in your local newspaper in
less than 24 hours 3 ways to grow your business
* Get $5000 a month in free radio airtime every month
How to get your own 30 minute tv show for less than $50
2. Join the conference call:
Dial: 712-432-0800 and enter passcode 980948#
(No registration or email required. Just call in a few minutes
ahead of time.) Limited lines available.
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3 Different types of mortgage loans that home buyers may utilize
By Stuart Parker ([email protected])
3 Types mortgage loans that home buyers may look forward to
There are basically 3 types of mortgage loans that home buyers can look for. For better home financing home buyers may choose anyone from these 3 types. Here are the 3 different types, have a look:
1. The fixed interest mortgage
This is the most classic form of mortgage loan for the home buyers. As the name suggests, in this type of mortgage loan the interest rate on the loan will remain same for the whole life of the loan. The payment can be done easily through equal monthly installments. The amortization of the loan amount makes the payment easy for many. Here are some other features of the fixed interest mortgage:
- The interest rate and the principle balancing: Apart from being fixed the interest rates are generally front-loaded in this type of mortgage loan. Just because of this, during the first few years of the loan tenure, the borrower mostly pays interest. Less goes for the payment of actual loan amount.
- The loan terms: The two most common terms are 15-year and 30-year mortgage terms. However, shorter terms are also available there. The term depends largely on the requirement of the borrower. Even 40-year and 50-year mortgage terms are also available there for the areas where housing price is extremely high.
The price factor: Fixed rate mortgages are considered to be more costly than the adjustable rate mortgages. As the interest rate is fixed, it’s quite obvious that the price will go high.
2. Adjustable rate mortgage
Here are the essential facts that you need to know about adjustable rate mortgage or ARM:
- The interest rate: The interest rate of the adjustable-rate mortgage isn’t fixed at all. This keeps changing according to the market condition. The rates keep changing almost every year. It’s actually a bit difficult to cope up with the changes in interest rates.
- The time frame is short: The time frame of adjustable rate mortgage isn’t as long as the fixed interest mortgage. For hybrid ARMs there is no fixed time frame and it can be anywhere between 3 to 10 years.
3. The interest only loan:
This is also a famous form of mortgage loan that most borrowers find useful. The borrowers only have to pay the interest rate charged on the main balance for the initial years. There is no hard and fast rule for the payment of principal balance. The overall structure is more like the ARM.
The interest only loan is good for the home buyers who have the assurance of financial improvement in future. Young people who’ve just started earning can take out interest only loan to buy a house. The repayment depends largely on the interest payment made during the initial years of the loan term.
These are the 3 main types of mortgage loans that home buyers may select according to their specific needs. Of course, the borrowers must consider their financial standing to take out the most suitable mortgage loan. For more information you can follow us on Twitter
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